Awesome Trays

Display box / 30 coffins X3 King Size hemp cones

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Enjoy smoking to the fullest with TRAYS® Pre-Rolled Cones, the ideal fusion of quality and ease. There are 30 coffins in every treasure trove-like box, and within are 3 finely constructed pre-rolled cones, for a total of ninety cones ready for your enjoyment.

These precisely sized cones, measuring 109x26 mm, are made to provide consistently excellent rolling for smoking. Premium hemp paper is the preferred material since it produces a smooth, natural smoking experience that goes well with your favourite herbs.

Savour TRAYS® Pre-Rolled Cones, where ease and quality come together in a straightforward and elegant way. Introducing our exquisitely chosen coffins, filled with the best hemp paper cones, that will open up a world of smooth smoking. Singing one cone at a time, TRAYS® is redefining smoking.